Mind Herbs: The Ashwagandha Guide
When I continued to explore the field of holistic nutrition and supplementation, I found various benefits in the realm of adaptogens. These herbs have been used for thousands of years for various health issues and challenges. Today, we have stronger scientific research that explores these herbs and their various benefits in their entirety.
As we continue to explore more herbal and adaptogenic supplements, we wanted to get into the “king” of them all: ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is an herbal supplement that not only improves mental health but also improves the physical as well. This makes it a very powerful herb to have in your arsenal.
In this post, we are going to explore ashwagandha, it’s various benefits, and how to use it to maximize its benefits.
Let’s dive in!
About Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha (AKA Withania Somnifera) is an ayurvedic healing herb that has been used for thousands of years. It’s been used to help with fatigue, memory enhancement, strength building, and more. The herb has a pungent “horse-stable” smell, which is why it’s named ashwagandha (Sanskrit for “horse-smell”).
It is classified as an adaptogen because it increases the body’s ability to fight stress, and can also help in stress-induced situations. When used over time, it has similar capabilities to that of an antioxidant.
Benefits of Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is the most beneficial and versatile of adaptogens. The following are the most notable benefits when it comes to ashwagandha:
- Reduces anxiety and depression. According to one double-blind study, ashwagandha helped reduce anxiety and depression.
- Reduces fatigue. Fatigue is reduced as a result of ashwagandha’s anti-anxiety effects.
- Reduces cortisol. Ashwagandha has notable benefits in reducing mental stress.
- Anti-Inflammatory. Ashwagandha helps improve the immune system by increasing the activity of infection-fighting cells.
- And many more.
In addition to these benefits, ashwagandha has some benefits when it comes to nutrition, exercise, and wellbeing as well.
Ashwagandha and Exercise Performance
According to one study, ashwagandha significantly improved the performance of their bench press by 44lbs, compared to a placebo group. In another study, ashwagandha was shown to improve velocity, power, and VO2 max in adults.
With exercise performance, ashwagandha is something we should consider. In fact, we are surprised that not many performance athletes talk about or use Ashwagandha!
Ashwagandha and Insulin
According to one study, ashwagandha has been shown to improve insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in muscle cells. This means that our cells are more responsive to insulin, benefitting our blood sugar levels, and our overall health.
Ashwagandha and Heart Health
Ashwagandha has some excellent benefits for heart health as well. According to one study, ashwagandha reduces bad cholesterol, helps the production of good cholesterol, and helps immune system health.
Ashwagandha and Fertility
Ashwagandha has shown promise in both men and women in regards to fertility. For men, one study showed improvements in seminal quality and motility. For women, one study showed that ashwagandha helped improve sexual function.
Using Ashwagandha
Recall that ashwagandha is an adaptogen, meaning that it must be taken consistently for benefits.
Here is what we recommend when taking ashwagandha:
- Supplement with 300–500mg of ashwagandha daily.
- Take ashwagandha with a meal.
- Take ashwagandha consistently for weeks for the best effects.
Ashwagandha has a plethora of benefits, making it a very versatile supplement.
Here is a quick rundown of ashwagandha’s benefits:
- Ashwagandha has the ability to reduce anxiety, stress, and cortisol levels.
- It can improve power, strength, and speed in exercise.
- Ashwagandha has been shown to improve work performance.
- It has been shown to reduce bad cholesterol, helps produce good cholesterol, and helps with immune health.
- Ashwagandha is a strong herbal supplement for fertility.
- It is used as an anti-inflammatory and improves insulin secretion.
Ashwagandha is a powerhouse of a herb, consisting of many benefits from health, fitness, strength, immune health, fertility, and more. We hope this has helped you realize the power of the “King of Ayurvedic Herbs”.
I am a huge fan of Ashwagandha, which is why we put it into our nootropic supplement, Spark.
I just wanted to take the time and thank you for reading this — It means a lot. If you have any questions, comments, or recommendations, feel free to leave them below.
Until next time, warriors!
*This post was originally posted on the Reforged website.
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