WTF Do You Desire In Life?
It’s cool to say that you want to be a millionaire, to drive nice cars, have nice “honeys” (I hate myself for saying this), and more.
But what do you REALLY want in life?
Society tells us that the above statement is the one you should live for. Very few actually get this, so they settle for less. How do you think people feel when they settle for less than what they BELIEVE they desire?
Now, what do you think happens when you actually know what you desire in life, and realize that you don’t necessarily need all the nice cars to accomplish that?
It’s time to ask yourself what you REALLY desire.
The Happiness Experience
For individuals who ask these important questions, they just want to live financially free without the stressors of working paycheck to paycheck. To add to that, according to science, money doesn’t actually make people happier above $75k.
This simply means that there’s more to life than money. Life is more about time and experience. But having more money allows you to do more things.
It’s a paradox, isn’t it?
Now, can you live a life worth living making $75k, living below your means, and just experiencing the finer things of life? Absolutely.
It’s all about what you (and your family) actually desire, and what you’re willing to sacrifice.
Define What You Actually Need
When I started my personal development journey, I desired to be a billionaire.
But I wasn’t even a billionaire. Not even a “six-figurer”.
At the time, more money = success to me. Obviously I was unhappy as a result because I was nowhere near my goal or could see how to get there.
I chased money for that purpose, telling myself that when I had it, I would be able to do what I want in my life. This is where most get lost in it, they get lost in the career path.
It’s easier to not feel any short-term pain that money struggles give us. However, it’s like a band-aid on a missing limb. If you don’t do what you desire in life, are you truly living it just yet?
So I decided to ask myself what I really wanted.
I just wanted to help people find happiness through overcoming their depression through means of pushing through the pain by going after what you truly desire in life.
And I wasn’t practicing what I desired to preach.
Today I am happier not even making close to $75k (at this time), all because I am working towards what I really want in life — legacy.
Legacy over currency.
Gary Vaynerchuk
Men typically want legacy — no matter how big or small.
Sometimes, their legacy lives through their kids…. and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
For others, their legacy is how many people they coach or impact. Money should be used as a means of freeing up time, of giving you the time to do what you absolutely love. When you really know what you desire in life, you’re going to be happier.
Do you really desire a wealthy lifestyle? Or do you want to live for legacy? They’re not synonymous, but they can be depending on your true goals.
I hope you understand what I am trying to say here.
When you know what you really want out of life, the rest of the “finer things in life” don’t really matter.
Some people enjoy life traveling or living with nature. Others, creating big businesses that change lives.
When you find what you really desire instead of living for what the mainstream world measures as a success, you will be more fulfilled.
My Brother vs. Me: Night and Day
My brother is one of the most simplest people in life. Now with simple, you might typically think he’s unintelligent or something.
In fact, I believe him to be happier and smarter than me. He is in the Medical Field because he loves it. It also will pay him good money once he pays off his debt. He’s quiet, stoic, not as talkative as me… he doesn’t even create content.
I envy him.
I envy that he is fulfilled in life.
Let me give you an example:
“I’ll just work overnight weekends, and have 4 days a week to just enjoy myself. The overnight weekends will give me some extra money, cuz who wants to work weekends?”
This dude literally just spends money on food, and clothes don’t matter to him. He wants to provide his family with necessities. He doesn’t need a nice car for every day of the week. He prefers Toyotas because they’re reliable.
About Me
I am an aspiring entrepreneur that envisions brands that will impact people in positive ways. In fact, I created my business Reforged with the intention of helping people find health and happiness physically and mentally.
If I worked how my brother worked, I would be miserable.
My “free time” is needed to provide and serve others with my vision. I literally believe it. When I go on vacation, I am still thinking about creating content and providing for others. This means I haven’t done enough to warrant a vacation yet.
Remember when I said I wanted to be a billionaire? I originally thought to provide impact, you needed to be a billionaire. I was incredibly wrong.
I see people like Gary Vaynerchuk and Ryan Michler who just wanted to create passion projects — the income was a byproduct.
They simply wanted legacy.
My brother and I are on different pathways, but we know what we desire in life. I envy him because he found what he wanted in life at a young age of 16… it took me 25+ years to get to where I truly want.
What You Really Want
Quite simply, men typically want:
- To provide for their families.
- To have a family they can call their own.
- To overcome challenges and obstacles.
- To work for something greater than themselves.
- To be happy.
Some may require more difficult pathways to be fulfilled… but it’s worth it.
Money is usually a byproduct of these things if done properly and you enjoy what you are pursuing. Remember, enjoying life doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be extremely wealthy.
Easy to say when you’re living paycheck to paycheck, right?
I’ve lived “money-to-money”. Meaning that to create my business and put my $ into it, I would have to get creative with how I could eat and make money to start the business. When you’re working towards something you believe will do great things, a little sacrifice is everything.
Money will come to me as a result of this, but remember… I want a legacy.
Anything you’d like to add or challenge? Throw it below. Let’s discuss.
Until next time, everyone!
Thank you for reading. This post comes from my journal on Fullmetal Mind, where our goal is to power Gen-Z men through mind and body health. Feel free to provide your own questions and insights at